The Truth About Photographs by Quinton Gordon
At Leica Store San Francisco On March 15-17, 2024
Join fine art photographer and educator Quinton Gordon for an unexpected, revealing and inspirational, exploration of personal vision in your work that sets aside our conventional expectations around image making.
All creative people must go through periods of exploration and questioning as part of their creative, visual evolution, but at a certain point, this can become confusing and disruptive to producing work that feels authentic to them. Learning how to harness the power of creative exploration while developing deeper visual sensibilities that will fuel long term growth and value in your work is the key to finding the deep connective tissue in your images over time. Like a muscle, creativity must be exercised and worked, but this regime needs to include variety and consistency in order to develop agile strength and endurance. Through this workshop we will explore the tension between limitations and possibilities to learn when to apply limitations to our work and how to benefit from the exploration of new ideas and interests. It’s the tightrope that all artists and creatives must learn to walk.
This weekend master class hosted by Leica San Francisco, is designed to help photogrpahers learn to work on specific assignments and expereince group and individual critiques of their work. Begining with a open group critwue Friday evening to set the pace. Saturday will be spent exploring San Francscio on personal assignments before returning to the store Sunday to edit and review.

The Truth About Photographs by Quinton Gordon
At Leica Store San Francisco On March 15-17, 2024
Join fine art photographer and educator Quinton Gordon for an unexpected, revealing and inspirational, exploration of personal vision in your work that sets aside our conventional expectations around image making.
All creative people must go through periods of exploration and questioning as part of their creative, visual evolution, but at a certain point, this can become confusing and disruptive to producing work that feels authentic to them. Learning how to harness the power of creative exploration while developing deeper visual sensibilities that will fuel long term growth and value in your work is the key to finding the deep connective tissue in your images over time. Like a muscle, creativity must be exercised and worked, but this regime needs to include variety and consistency in order to develop agile strength and endurance. Through this workshop we will explore the tension between limitations and possibilities to learn when to apply limitations to our work and how to benefit from the exploration of new ideas and interests. It’s the tightrope that all artists and creatives must learn to walk.
This weekend master class hosted by Leica San Francisco, is designed to help photogrpahers learn to work on specific assignments and expereince group and individual critiques of their work. Begining with a open group critwue Friday evening to set the pace. Saturday will be spent exploring San Francscio on personal assignments before returning to the store Sunday to edit and review.

The Truth About Photographs by Quinton Gordon
At Leica Store San Francisco On March 15-17, 2024
Join fine art photographer and educator Quinton Gordon for an unexpected, revealing and inspirational, exploration of personal vision in your work that sets aside our conventional expectations around image making.
All creative people must go through periods of exploration and questioning as part of their creative, visual evolution, but at a certain point, this can become confusing and disruptive to producing work that feels authentic to them. Learning how to harness the power of creative exploration while developing deeper visual sensibilities that will fuel long term growth and value in your work is the key to finding the deep connective tissue in your images over time. Like a muscle, creativity must be exercised and worked, but this regime needs to include variety and consistency in order to develop agile strength and endurance. Through this workshop we will explore the tension between limitations and possibilities to learn when to apply limitations to our work and how to benefit from the exploration of new ideas and interests. It’s the tightrope that all artists and creatives must learn to walk.
This weekend master class hosted by Leica San Francisco, is designed to help photogrpahers learn to work on specific assignments and expereince group and individual critiques of their work. Begining with a open group critwue Friday evening to set the pace. Saturday will be spent exploring San Francscio on personal assignments before returning to the store Sunday to edit and review.